Device Fingerprinting

Prevent fraud or reduce friction? Choose both.

Incognia’s modern device recognition technology enables proactive fraud prevention and frictionless user verification—at the same time.

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Benefits Results
Frictionless user verification
84% reduction in new user abandonment
Prevent fraud and scams
80% reduction in ATO
Detect and block ban evasion
99.9% accurate user identification

Traditional device fingerprinting has fallen behind

Traditional solutions

Traditional solutions

  • Lack of investment in device recognition innovation
  • Depend on limited attributes in a static scorecard to create a device ID, with no accompanying risk analysis
  • Constrained by browser and OS privacy changes due to reliance on cookies and PII

  • Continuously enhanced with R&D to stay ahead of evolving fraud

  • Flexible, customizable ML technology provides device ID + risk analysis together for a decision-ready solution

  • Focuses on high-quality data and protecting privacy for higher accuracy with less risk

Laptop with a dark design displaying a screen saver featuring the Incognia logo centered on a purple background

AI-Driven Browser Fingerprint

As browsers continue to implement new privacy controls, the old methods of device fingerprinting have grown obsolete. That’s why Incognia is taking a novel AI-driven approach to cookieless browser fingerprinting.

  • Persistently identifies users despite tampering attempts
  • Evolves alongside user population changes
  • Highly stable and adaptable to unique use cases
  • Leverages AI for device recognition, not just for risk analysis like some solutions
  • ML models dynamically identify web devices using 85+ integrated signals
  • In 200ms, Incognia’s models recognize a device with high accuracy, persistency, and a 0.004% false positive rate
Smartphone with a sleek design displaying a wallpaper featuring the Incognia logo on a purple background

Cross-Device Mobile Fingerprint

Incognia’s mobile device fingerprint combines device signals with location intelligence and tamper detection to identify users with unprecedented accuracy. Prevent fraud, reduce false positives and reduce friction–all at the same time.

  • Prevents repeat offenders from creating multiple accounts
  • Links devices together with location to reveal fraud patterns
  • Detects spoofing and app & device tampering, including factory resets
  • Proactively flags risky activity based on suspicious location watchlist
  • Over 99.9% accurate user recognition

  • 17x more accurate user identification than Face ID

Incognia's Device Tamper Detection

Device Tamper Detection

Device Tamper Detection for apps, browsers, and mobile devices monitors for risky behavior without impacting user experience.

  • Device Model

  • Root / Jailbreak

  • Emulator

  • GPS Spoofing

  • Factory Reset

  • Debugging Mode

  • Code Injection

  • Data Mismatch

  • App Cloner

  • Frida

  • Incognito Mode

  • Geolocation Tampering

  • Privacy Browsers

  • IP to Location Mapping

  • VPN/Proxy

  • Bot Detection

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