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Fraud For Sale: Multi-accounting and Fraud on Gig Economy Apps
Take an insider look at the fraud-as-a-service tools used...
The Fraud-as-a-Service Economy: How Fraudsters Make a Living Attacking Gig Economy Platforms
Learn about the underground economy fueling fraud on gig...
The Fraudster's Playbook: How Fraudsters Defraud Your Platform
Learn about the step-by-step process fraudsters take to...
Device ID Obfuscation: How Fraudsters Make 1 Device Look Like 300
Learn about device ID obfuscation and how bad actors stop...
3 Fraud-as-a-Service Tools Every Food Delivery Platform Should Know About
Learn about the Fraud-as-a-Service tools impacting food...
You Are Who People Say You Are: Understanding the Reputational Impact of Courier Scams
Explore the real impact that courier scams can have on a...