AI-driven device & browser fingerprinting for financial platforms

Prevent fraud and scams while providing a frictionless user experience 

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Incognia offers protection for companies in the financial services industry
Our numbers
Reliable performance at scale
  • Shine border

    ATO attacks prevented (2023)

  • Shine border
    reduction in fake account creation
  • Shine border
    reduction in SMS & email OTP usage

Trusted by

Benefits Results
Frictionless user verification
84% reduction in new user abandonment
Secure customer accounts
80% reduction in ATO
Prevent fraud and scams
95% reduction in identity fraud
How we do it

Recognize users with 99.9% accuracy

Incognia’s customized, AI-driven approach to device recognition enables financial platforms to recognize more users, preventing fraud and providing a better user experience. Our novel model-based approach evolves as your user population changes, resulting in a fingerprint that is both stable and adaptable to change.

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High Risk

  • GPS spoofing detected
  • Device rooted

Low Risk

  • Device recognized
  • Trusted location confirmed
Business Benefits

Traditional solutions

Traditional solutions

  • Lack of investment in device recognition innovation
  • Depend on limited attributes in a static scorecard to create a device ID, with no accompanying risk analysis
  • Constrained by browser and OS privacy changes due to reliance on cookies and PII
  • Continuously enhanced with R&D to stay ahead of evolving fraud
  • Flexible, customizable ML technology provides device ID + risk analysis together for a decision-ready solution
  • Focuses on high-quality data and protecting privacy for higher accuracy with less risk

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