Device & location
intelligence for ride sharing

Prevent fraud and scams including account sharing, promotion & refund abuse and collusion  
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Our numbers
Reliable performance at scale
  • Shine border
    less driver fraud
  • Shine border
    less promo abuse

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How we do it

Prevent fraud with device and exact location intelligence

Incognia's cutting-edge technology provides the ride hailing industry with real-time insights that enable proactive fraud prevention.

Our Signal

Device Tamper Detection

We detect common and advanced location spoofing and device tampering methods to ensure our signal is fully trustworthy.

Next-Gen Device ID

Incognia’s highly persistent Device ID is leveraged by our global ride sharing clients to solve a wide range of business challenges.

Exact Location

Incognia combines GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, and network signals to pinpoint device location with an accuracy of <10 feet, unlocking the benefits of location for identity verification and fraud prevention.

Incognia Tech Signals

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